We're looking for a volunteer who has a pickup truck to help with local food pick ups. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning for 2-2.5 hours. Must be able to lift 50 lbs. Call (506)-847-5484 and leave a message if you're available.
Volunteer Call
Message from the Board of Directors
As we near the end of 2023, the Board of Directors and the Volunteers of the KV Foodbasket would like to thank our donors. Residents, local businesses and our Municipal Governments are extremely generous to our Foodbasket and we appreciate it very much. Even with the increase we have seen in our client numbers lately, the continued support that we receive helps us to continue and meet the demands of our clients. Thank you all very much, and from our Board and volunteers, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Call for
Board Members
If you are interested in this opportunity, please submit your resume to kvfoodbasket@gmail.com by January 18th, 2024. We will contact selected Candidates for an interview by January 31st, 2024.
The Kennebecasis Valley Food Basket is launching a search to identify and appoint up to three (3) additional Board Directors. Serving the communities of Rothesay and Quispamsis since 1985, the KV Food Basket provides temporary food and essentials to individuals and families of our community who are in need. Our vision is to help “create a community where hunger does not exist and where all citizens have access to an adequate and nutritious supply of food.” During 2023 the KV Food Basket has supported on average 107 families per month, consisting of on average, 191 adults and 123 children.
The KV Food Basket Board meets bi-monthly for approximately 2 hours. The ideal Board Director candidates will be passionate about the well being of their community. Based on the current Board composition, the KV Food Basket is currently seeking candidates with strong social development; financial, marketing and legal experience.
Personal Attributes
A track record of being able to work co-operatively with others and to provide leadership in a group setting
An ability to exercise sound judgment and to problem-solve in the execution of their fiduciary responsibilities
Capacity to exercise independent judgment in the best interests of the KVFB (versus individual view points)
Display a strategic perspective/orientation (vs. detail/micro orientation)
A high standard of personal values and ethics and an ability to respect the confidentiality of the Board’s deliberations
An ability to effectively communicate orally and use current forms of electronic communications
Ability and willingness to raise potentially controversial issues in a manner that encourages dialogue
Ability to be flexible, responsive and willing to consider others’ opinions
Commitment to devoting the time and being available to attend to the duties required of a director
Commitment to personal development and to participation in training and continuing education required to be an effective director
A track record of demonstrated prudence, discretion and intelligence
No direct or indirect conflict of interest with the director’s responsibility to the KVFB
Prior experience on a board or a committee
Specific Competencies
The following areas of knowledge, experience and expertise should be represented within the collective board competencies:
General Knowledge of Food Banks Services
Nutritional and Dietary Expertise
Educational Background
Social Services and Development Background
Financial/ Accounting literacy
Risk management processes
Information technology/ Social Media skills
Human resources
Government functioning and public policy
Governance trends and best practices
Previous leadership/management experience
Customer service